Untitled Document
Untitled Document
  Bohyun Yoon contents

Family III

2023 - continue
material: plasticine clay, glass, wood
Size: 30"H x 30"W x 12"L (approximate)

In our modern age of constant screen time where we rarely focus on those closest to us, I proposed the idea of a weekly sculpting session to my family. This would require us to intently observe each other more than we normally would and make us engage with one another. During these weekly sessions of clay portraiture, we observed how everyday life often shows up in the face, and discovered nuances that might normally be overlooked, such as familial resemblances or current states of health or emotions.
Because this process produced conversations where we sincerely engaged with one another, it became a loving, healing and nurturing experience for us as individuals and as a family. By continually editing these faces over time, we will observe not just how we age but how truly being present with each other keeps us in the moment. Using plasticine clay which never dries and is always malleable, it will allow us to continually edit.


  Copyright © Bohyun Yoon. All rights reserved.